vsketch and NixOS
vsketch and NixOS
I like to plotter. I like to draw pictures with my axidraw and ogle with the terrapen .
I had a few tries using vsketch in NixOS but because I don’t know much about Python and never had enough time to dig into it, I never made vsketch work under NixOS. Same holds for the axidraw cli.
But lately I got introduced to pipenv which made everything possible and very easy.
I simple use a combination of direnv
, steam-run
and pipenv
to make everything work.
The shell nix is called by direnv
simply by putting
use nix
in the repositories .envrc
In the shell.nix
I simple define a all packages I need and override the steam-run
binary to add some package. Getting to this point, was a bit fiddly, but once it works, it works :D This is my shell.nix
{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> { } }:
pkgs.mkShell {
buildInputs =
steamrun = (pkgs.steam.override {
extraPkgs = pkgs: [
(pkgs.python3.withPackages (ps: with ps; [
extraLibraries = pkgs: [ pkgs.libkrb5 ];
(pkgs.writers.writeDashBin "vsk" ''
${steamrun}/bin/steam-run pipenv run vsk "$@"
(pkgs.writers.writeDashBin "axicli" ''
${steamrun}/bin/steam-run pipenv run axicli "$@"
(pkgs.writers.writeDashBin "python" ''
${steamrun}/bin/steam-run ${pkgs.pipenv}/bin/pipenv run python "$@"
(pkgs.writers.writeDashBin "pipenv" ''
${steamrun}/bin/steam-run ${pkgs.pipenv}/bin/pipenv "$@"
Now pipenv
has all needed dependencies for it’s thing to do. But we need to set up pipenv
itself as well, of course. Here is my Pipfile
url = "https://pypi.org/simple"
verify_ssl = true
name = "pypi"
vsketch = {editable = true, git = "https://github.com/abey79/vsketch"}
axicli = {file = "https://cdn.evilmadscientist.com/dl/ad/public/AxiDraw_API.zip" }
python_version = "3.10"
python_full_version = "3.10.11"
Now I can run
pipenv install
and magically the shell command vsk
(which is defined in the shell.nix
) works like charm.
My first sketch
After running
vsk init SimpleRings
I could instantly start fiddling around with the code.
I’m amazed how fast my development cycle was. I could instantly see results, and play around with seed and parameters. And once I liked something. I can just hit Like and it will be saved as svg.
Here is my first script + some screenshots and photos of the results:
import vsketch
class SimpleRingsSketch(vsketch.SketchClass):
amount = vsketch.Param(3)
space = vsketch.Param(30, min_value=10)
min_radius = vsketch.Param(30, min_value=1)
base_rotation = vsketch.Param(1)
show_rings = vsketch.Param(True)
show_rings_randomly = vsketch.Param(True)
show_lines = vsketch.Param(True)
def draw(self, vsk: vsketch.Vsketch) -> None:
vsk.size("a4", landscape=False)
# vsk.scale("mm")
# height and width are in pixels (not mm)
max_radius = min(vsk.height / 2, vsk.width / 2) - self.space
for i in range(self.amount):
radius = vsk.random(self.min_radius, max_radius)
amount_of_lines = int(vsk.random(1, radius))
line_length = vsk.random(1, 20)
circle_line_height = vsk.random(1, line_length)
# vsk.random() consumes the seed, so we have to consume it in every step, other changing the
# options would result in different results in the other routines.
if vsk.random(0, 1) > 0.5 or not self.show_rings_randomly:
if self.show_rings:
vsk.circle(0, 0, radius - circle_line_height, mode="radius")
if not self.show_lines:
vsk.rotate(self.base_rotation, degrees=True)
with vsk.pushMatrix():
angle = 360.0 / amount_of_lines
for j in range(0, amount_of_lines):
vsk.rotate(angle, degrees=True)
vsk.line(0, radius, 0, radius - line_length)
def finalize(self, vsk: vsketch.Vsketch) -> None:
vsk.vpype("linemerge linesimplify reloop linesort")
if __name__ == "__main__":